AC Association Croquet

Essex & Suffolk League League results
by year:


Results vs.: Newport Colchester MATCH
Newport   A:
0 0  
Colchester H:
  0 0  
Results vs.: Club A Club B
Club A   Club A - Club B score
Club A at Home
Club B Club B - Club A score
Club B Away

The matches shaded yellow are played at home for the team in the left-hand column.
So to read the table easily, (1) find the club in the left-hand column (in bold),
(2) read across to find its scores against each opponent as the first figure given;
(3) read across to find its Home games in yellow and its Away games in white.

The winning team is determined by the number of matches won, and if this is tied  then by the who-beat-whom rule, then by the number of games won.

Newport 07971 016633
Colchester 01206 572712


These dates are suggested dates, and changes may be made by mutual arrangement, but please inform the manager.

Printable fixture list (PDF tba)

League manager:

See also:

Previous AC league winners - all years


Rules for the Essex & Suffolk Association Croquet League

  1. Each match shall, unless otherwise agreed, consist of seven games, played according to the rules of Croquet England. The best available balls shall be used and all sets must be of identical manufacture.
  2. In the morning, one single-banked doubles game and two singles games shall be played, and in the afternoon four singles games. All games will be of 26 points. The time limits will be 3 hours 15 minutes for the doubles and any double-banked singles games, and 3 hours for single-banked singles games.

    Only two lawns may be used even if more lawns are available.

    Prior to the start of each match, the captains will exchange team names, with players listed as A,B,C and D or W,X,Y and Z for their respective teams. The listing shall be in handicap order, the lower handicap first. Where two or more players have the same handicap the captain may choose the order, which will apply for the whole match.

    In the morning any two players may play together in the doubles, and the remaining players will play singles. The singles games should be organised as far as possible so that the minimum number of bisques is required in each game (i.e. matching handicaps as indicated by the A,B,C,D listing).

    In the afternoon, depending on who played whom in the morning's singles,
    D will play either Z or Y;
    A will play either W or X;
    See examples on separate sheet.
    C will play either Y, X or Z;
    B either X, W or Y.
  3. Each team normally comprises four individual players but, by prior agreement with the opposition, a team may substitute a player or players between the morning and afternoon sessions.

    No player may play for more than one team in a season.

    If a team is unable to field four players it may, by prior agreement, play three players versus three. Ideally this should be agreed early in the season, but the maximum possible notice should be given if this is anticipated.

    Alternatively, if the opponents in this situation cannot agree to play 3 v 3, a 'guest player' from another club may be invited to make up the number, but the guest may not contribute to the team's score and one point will be awarded to the opposition for each game so played.

    (New for 2014:) There is an entry fee of £10 per season per team.
  4. At all times, the sum of the handicaps of the four team-members in play must be 20 or more. (In a 3 v 3 match this minimum is reduced to 15). Players with handicaps of 0 to 24 inclusive, are eligible to take part, but in doubles play the maximum handicap shall be reckoned at 20. All players should have up-to-date handicap cards with them at each match.
  5. All matches should be played on the set date unless both teams agree to a change. The rearranged match need not be played before the date set for the next match in sequence, but the change of date must be agreed as soon as possible after receipt of the match timetable, and the League Secretary notified.
  6. If a team cancels a match unilaterally less than three clear days before it is scheduled or, as in rule 5 above, rescheduled to take place (i.e. later than midnight on Tuesday before a Saturday match), then that team shall forfeit its points and the team awarded the match shall, at the end of the season, be awarded the average number of points achieved in its other matches.
  7. Where a match has to be abandoned, if it is not possible to play the outstanding games at a later date, then the score shall stand as the number of games completed at the time of the abandonment. If the abandoned match and its points are likely at the end of the season to affect the outcome of the Championship of the Essex/Suffolk League, then the entire match shall be replayed.
  8. The result of each match must be notified as soon as possible to the League Secretary by the organisers of both teams.
  9. The winning Essex/Suffolk League team shall play-off against the winners of the Beds/Herts and Norfolk/Cambs Leagues to determine which side shall represent the East Anglian Federation in CqE's Secretary's Shield competition.

League Manager