The East Anglian Federation organises clubs into Areas for various inter-club league matches. These matches take place over the course of the summer playing season, and then at the end of the season the Area winners have a play-off to determine the overall East Anglian Region winners.
The region is split into three Area leagues approximating to counties: Northern (for Norfolk and Cambridgeshire), Essex/Suffolk and Beds/Herts. Within each area each club plays all the others in the area in one day handicap matches of teams of four (or three if only one lawn is available). Each league has its own organiser and slightly different rules and match formats. The winners come together at the end of the season for a 3-way, one-day play-off match to determine the over-all winner of the Chairman's Cup. The Cup winner is entered into the following season's CA Secretary's Shield.
In 2022 the Anderson Shield competition was resurrected in a new format as a league for B-Level Advanced play, with club teams of four and matches between pairs of clubs played at home or away over the course of the summer season. Previously it had been run as a weekend tournament between the counties in the Region, but in that format it eventually died from lack of support in 2012. See the Tournaments pages for further details and the history in the previous format.
In the new league format the teams of four must have an aggregate handicap of at least 10 and each player must have a handicap of 0 or above. Matches comprise one doubles and six singles games, and the match format is similar to national AC club competitions. However, in order to open the competition to clubs with only one serviceable court a variation is also allowed for matches when played at those clubs, which instead uses teams of three and a minimum aggregate team handicap of 7½.
In addition to the Regional leagues, some EACF member clubs participate in national club AC knock-out competitions organised by the Croquet Association that run in parallel over the course of the season. Details for the whole national competitions can be found on the CA website (note that the results have not been summarised in a CA archive since 2012):
The Inter-Club Championship* | 2011 and earlier |
The Mary Rose* | 2011 and earlier |
The Longman Cup* | 2011 and earlier |
The Secretary's Shield* | 2011 and earlier |
*This shows the previous year's results until the draw for the current year is available.
The Level Play competitions in the East Anglian region are in two tiers. The top tier is an Open league with no handicap restrictions, this year with the region divided into two areas, with a final between the area winners at the end of the season.
The second tier of level play competition is a
B-level league for players with GC handicaps of 3 or more.
The region is split into two areas, the North & East and the
Central & West Areas, with a final between the area winners at the end
of the season.
Note: although the national definition of 'B-level' for GC
changed to handicap 4+ in 2025, clubs in the EACF region have opted to retain a
3+ handicap limit for this league.
For the purposes of this club Handicap competition the region is divided into four Areas with clubs entering a team of four: the Central, Northern, Eastern and Western Areas. A few larger clubs sometimes enter two teams. The four Area winners meet in a knock-out for semi-finals and final at the end of the season to determine the overall Regional winner. There is a single Manager and common set of rules and match formats for all four Areas.
In addition to the Regional leagues, some EACF member clubs participate in national club GC knock-out competitions organised by the Croquet Association that run in parallel over the course of the season. Details for the whole national competitions can be found on the CA website (note that the results have not been summarised in a CA archive since 2012):
The Golf Croquet Inter-Club Championship* | 2011 and earlier |
The Golf Croquet Inter-Club Shield (Murphy Shield)* | 2011 and earlier |
*This shows the previous year's results until the draw for the current year is available.
See also:
Previous AC league winners - all years
Previous GC league winners - all years