GC Handicap League H'cap Western Area |
Results vs.: | Stony Stratford Blues | Wrest Park | Watford B | Stony Stratford Greens | Watford A | Northants | L. Linslade Leopards | L. Linslade Lions | POINTS | GAME DIFF |
Stony Stratford Blues | Round 5 | Round 2 | Round 1 | Round 7 | Round 4 | Round 6 | Round 3 | 0 | 0 | 0 | ||
Wrest Park | Round 5 | Round 7 | Round 3 | Round 6 | Round 1 | Round 2 | Round 4 | 0 | 0 | 0 | ||
Watford B | Round 2 | Round 7 | Round 5 | Round 1 | Round 3 | Round 4 | Round 6 | 0 | 0 | 0 | ||
Stony Stratford Greens | Round 1 | Round 3 | Round 5 | Round 4 | Round 6 | Round 7 | Round 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | ||
Watford A | Round 7 | Round 6 | Round 1 | Round 4 | Round 2 | Round 3 | Round 5 | 0 | 0 | 0 | ||
Northampton | Round 4 | Round 1 | Round 3 | Round 6 | Round 2 | Round 5 | Round 7 | 0 | 0 | 0 | ||
Leighton Linslade Leopards | Round 6 | Round 2 | Round 4 | Round 7 | Round 3 | Round 5 | Round 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | ||
Leighton Linslade Lions | Round 3 | Round 4 | Round 6 | Round 2 | Round 5 | Round 7 | Round 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Venues may be changed by mutual agreement. The Home team should arrange the match. Results to be reported preferably by text message to the League Manager immediately after each match, otherwise by email or phone within 24 hours.
Round 1 | 30 April |
Round 2 | 21 May |
Round 3 | 11 June |
Round 4 | 2 July |
Round 5 | 23 July |
Round 6 | 13 August |
Round 7 | 1 September |
Stony Stratford Blues | Richard Inchley | 07793 039354 |
Wrest Park | Richard Keighley | 01296 681235 |
Stony Stratford Greens | Steve Bacon | 07811 718313 |
Watford A | Mike Grossmith | 07810 394048 |
Watford B | Kevin Currie | 07718 660023 |
Northants | Finn Dawson | 07740 302008 |
L. Linslade Lions | Judith Pengelly | 07986 829775 |
L. Linslade Leopards | Judith Pengelly | 07986 829775 |
Results vs.: | Club A | Club B |
Club A | Club A - Club B score Club A at Home |
Club B | Club B - Club A score Club B Away |
The matches shaded yellow are played at home for the team in the left-hand column.
So to read the table easily, (1) find the club in the left-hand column (in bold),
(2) read across to find its scores against each opponent as the first figure given;
(3) read across to find its Home games in yellow and its
Away games in white.
2 points for a match win. If the overall number of points is tied then the winner
is determined by game difference, then by net hoops, then by other means determined by the Manager.
See also:
GC Handicap League score-sheet (1 court) ( 56 kb)
GC Handicap League score-sheet (2 courts) ( 45 kb)
Handicap League score-sheet - Excel autofill version
GC Handicap League score-sheet (3 or 4 courts) ( 60 kb)
GC Open League
GC B-Level (3+) League
Previous GC Handicap league winners - all years
Previous GC Level Play league winners - all years
Geoff Johnson