34th Annual General Meeting
Saturday 21st March at 1:30pm

The Annual General Meeting of the E.A.C.F. was held at 1:30pm on Saturday 21st March at the Newport club, Frambury Lane, Newport, Essex CB11 3PU. Location map.

AGM by year:

17th March update:
In the light of the latest government advice regarding the Covid-19 pandemic, THE AGM IS NOW CANCELLED. Instead we will be communicating with clubs by email about certain decisions that need to be taken.


  1. Apologies for absence.
  2. Minutes of the previous meeting and points arising.
  3. Annual reports from the Officers/Committee:
    1. Chairman: George Collin. (Position vacant).
    2. Treasurer: Arthur Reed. (Accounts below).
    3. Secretary: Terrey Sparks
    4. Development & Equipment: Jonathan Toye.
    5. Coaching: Cliff Jones.
    6. AC Croquet & Tournaments: Terrey Sparks
    7. Golf Croquet: Geoff Johnson.
    8. Indoors: Terrey Sparks.
    9. CA Representatives: Brian Havill & Rich Waterman.
    10. Webmaster: Simon Hathrell.
  4. To approve a proposed amendment to Clause 6(i) of the Constitution (see below).
  5. Election of Officers and Committee members for the 2020 year.
    1. The Chairman having served 5 consecutive years in office is required under the Constitution to stand down.
    2. All Nominations for Office must be in the Secretary’s hands by 14th March 2020.
  6. Election of the Examiner.
  7. To review the 2020 programme of events/tournaments/leagues.
  8. Any other business.
    1. To discuss the introduction of a National Short croquet competition (Jonathan Toye).
    2. To discuss the introduction of an annual tournament AC/GC against the Southern Region.

Agenda - PDF version (PDF 62 kb)


EACF 2019 AGM Minutes and reports (PDF 340 kb)
EACF Accounts for 2019 (PDF 33 kb)
EACF reports for 2019 (PDF 5540 kb)
EACF Constitution Clause 6(i) amendment (PDF 24 kb)

Updated following the AGM:

EACF 2020 AGM Minutes (PDF 44 kb)

See also:

The EACF Constitution (PDF 46 kb)