28th Annual General Meeting
Saturday 21st March 2015 at 10:30am


The Annual General Meeting of the E.A.C.F. will be held on Saturday 21st March 2015 at the Bygrave Croquet Club commencing at 10:30am.  (NB: revised date.)

AGM by year:


Printer version (PDF 54 kb)
  1. Apologies for absence.
  2. Minutes of the previous meeting and points arising.
  3. Annual reports from the Officers:
    1. Chairman: George Collin.
    2. Treasurer: Arthur Reed. (Accounts will be available prior to the meeting).
    3. Secretary: Howard Bottomley.
    4. Coaching/Dev. & Equipment: Jonathan Toye.
    5. Golf Croquet: Jason Carley/David Crawford.
    6. Indoors: Terrey Sparks.
    7. C.A. Rep: Terrey Sparks.
    8. Webmaster: Simon Hathrell.
  4. Election of Officers and Committee members for the 2015 year.

    - To include a Federation Handicapper for AC and GC.

    - All Nominations for Office must be in the Secretary's hands by 19th March.

  5. Election of the Auditor.
  6. To review the 2015 programme of events/tournaments/leagues/GC coaching.
  7. C.A. Federation Joining arrangements.
  8. Any other business.
  9. To confirm date and venue of next meeting.

Howard Bottomley (Secretary)
March 2015

See also:

The 2015 AGM Minutes (PDF 264 kb)
The 2014 AGM Minutes (PDF 82 kb)
The EACF Constitution (PDF 39 kb)