AC Association Croquet

Peterborough - Sunday 17th September

Manager: Terrey Sparks


Winner: Peterborough

Results vs.: Peterborough Bury Wrest Park GAME
Peterborough   2-1 3-0 5 1
Bury St. Edmunds 1-2   2-1 3 2
Wrest Park 0-3 1-2   1 2

The Chairman's Cup
Click to enlarge

AC League play-off results by year:

See also:

Previous AC league winners - all years

The Peterborough team, L-R:
Stephen Cornelius, Justin Beaumont, Ian & Debbie Lines

The three Area league winners Peterborough, Wrest Park and Bury St. Edmunds met at the location of last year's winners Peterborough to contest the overall league winners and who would represent the Region in the C.A. national event the Secretary’s Shield next year. The three lawns in good condition played well, and very few of the 9 games went to time.

However, before play could start there was a minor problem in that one of the nominated players in the home club Peterborough had succumbed to Covid, and as a last minute replacement they had to call in a late substitute Justin Beaumont who had very little experience of the Association game.

Nevertheless play got under way in fairly moderate weather with occasional sunny periods and the chance of intermittent rain later. In the home club the two experienced minus handicapped players took an early lead of 2 games, with the Bury coming in behind with the only other morning win.

During the afternoon's second session of 6 singles games Peterborough quickly extended their dominance by 2 very quick game wins. However, not to be outdone the Bury club also responded with 2 wins to close the gap, but a 3rd Peterborough win by Debbie Lines put the final result in no doubt despite a late conciliatory win by the Wrest Park member John Bevington.

Therefore Peterborough retained the trophy, which was presented by the Federation tournament organiser Terrey Sparks while the players were partaking in a light afternoon tea.

Postscript: Peterborough went on to win the national Secretary's Shield in September 2024.


Peterborough Wrest Park Bury St. Edmunds
Ian Lines (-2) George Collin (-½) Dan Neale (½)
Debbie Lines (-2) John Bevington (1) Simon Conran (6)
Stephen Cornelius (7) Peter Aspinall (10) John Robinette (10)
Justin Beaumont (18) David Woolley (10) Justin Blake-James (11)

Report by Terrey Sparks
Click on images for an enlargement

Area League Play-Off for the Chairman's Cup


  1. The winning team from each Area will meet to determine the overall EACF AC leagues championship.
  2. The format will be normal 26pt AC games played to handicap rules, with doubles in the morning and singles in the afternoon. Singles games will be double-banked and the duration of each game will be 3¼ hours.

    am: A1,A3 v B2,B4 B1,B3 v C2,C4 C1,C3 v A2,A4
    pm: A1 v C2
    A3 v C4
    B1 v A2
    B3 v A4
    C1 v B2
    C3 v B4

    A draw will take place in the morning to determine which teams will be designated A, B or C.

  3. Teams will comprise four players with no handicap restrictions.
  4. The Team Captain is to list his team in handicap order before the start of play and hand it to the manager. If two or more players have the same handicap those players can be listed in any order.
  5. The winner will be the team winning the most games.
  6. If the winner is still undecided, then a further contest will take place in which all team members take part using the following two-ball tie-break to determine the winner.
    • The order of play will be decided between teams by lot, with each team playing one turn.
    • The team in play places its striker's ball on the Corner IV yard-line spot, and a second ball anywhere on the court in a position of their choosing. All other balls are removed from the court.
    • With each member of the team in play rotating in handicap order to play one stroke, that team will then make as many hoops as possible in one turn, starting with hoop 4 and proceeding in accordance with normal AC rules for running hoops 4, 5, 6, 1-back etc. in order. No bisques may be taken.
    • After this procedure, if one team has scored more hoops than the other two then they are the winners. Otherwise, any team scoring fewer hoops than the others drops out and the whole procedure is repeated until there is a winner.
  7. The overall winner of the play-off will be presented with the Chairman's Cup to be held for one year, and will go forward to represent the Eastern Region in the Secretary's Shield for the next year.

Terrey Sparks