AC Association Croquet

Wrest Park - Sunday 30th September

Manager: Terrey Sparks

  Area League 2018 winners 2018 Play-off winners
The Chairman's Cup
Click to enlarge
League tables: St. Albans
St. Albans

AC League play-off results by year:

See also:

Previous AC league winners - all years

The St. Albans winners

This year the three qualifiers were Norwich, St. Albans and Ipswich. However, due to the fact that Ipswich had lost players to holidays and national competitions they unfortunately had to withdraw, and their place was taken by Newport, the second place club in the Essex/Suffolk league.

On a dull, blustery day in which an early sun managed to hold temperatures to a reasonable level the three teams started the day playing each other in doubles matches, in which at lunchtime St. Albans had a clear lead winning 2 of their games, with Newport following a close second with 1 win. After lunch with the wind increasing, not to be outdone St. Albans consolidated their position winning their remaining 4 single games outright to run out the overall winners with a 100% record, and therefore will represent the Eastern Region in next year's Secretary's Shield. Newport came second with 2 wins and Norwich with 1 win took third place.


St. Albans: Heather Bennett (3½), Chris Frost (4), Stephen Mills (16), Geoffrey Morrison (18)
Newport: Andrew Gregory (2½), Bernard Yallop (10), Roy Darling (20), David Haslam (20)
Norwich: John Reddish (4½), Jonathan Sisson (7), Sarah Barley (10), Neil Chalmers (10)

During tea generously provided by the home club, the Chairman's Cup was presented to the victorious St. Alban's team by the EACF Chairman George Collin.

Congratulations also to the hosting club Wrest Park, for despite the summer drought they had managed to turn out lawns in reasonable condition that ran unexpectedly well.

Report & photo by Terrey Sparks

Area League Play-Off for the Chairman's Cup


  1. The winning team from each Area will meet to determine the overall EACF league championship.
  2. The format will be normal handicap games of 26pts, doubles in the morning and single games in the afternoon. Singles games will be double-banked and the duration of each game will be 3½ hours.
    am: A1,A3 v B2,B4 B1,B3 v C2,C4 C1,C3 v A2,A4
    pm: A1 v C2
    A3 v C4
    B1 v A2
    B3 v A4
    C1 v B2
    C3 v B4

    A draw will take place in the morning to determine which teams will be designated A, B or C.
  3. All teams will comprise four players (no handicap restriction).
  4. The Team Captain is to list his team in handicap order before the start of play and hand it to the manager. (If two or more players have the same handicap they can be listed per that teams preference.)
  5. If the contest is still undecided, then a shoot-off in which all team members take part using the "Hemming Tie Break" will take place to determine the winner.
    • The order of shooting will be decided between teams by lot.
    • With the highest handicaps from each team going first, all players shoot four balls at hoop 1 from the yard line.
    • Each ball scores 1 point for hitting the hoop, or 2 points if it has started but not completed running the hoop, or 3 points for running a hoop.
    • If one team's total is ahead of the rest after this procedure, then they are the winners.
    • Otherwise, any team with a total score less than the highest achieved drops out and the procedure is repeated until there is a winner.
  6. The overall winner of the play-off will be presented with The Chairman's Cup to be held for one year and will go forward to represent the Eastern Region in the Secretary's Shield for the next year.

Terrey Sparks