GC Golf Croquet

GC Open Level Play League
results by year:

Winner: Watford

Results vs.: Watford Northants Hunstanton Ipswich Letchworth Colchester Enfield POINTS NET
Watford   4-3
[hoops: 113-118]
[hoops: 97-82]
[hoops: 93-97]
[hoops: 108-97]
[hoops: 108-101]
10 +24 1
Northampton 3-4
[hoops: 118-113]
[hoops: 107-55]
[2 Oct] 6-1
[hoops: 106-74]
w/o 3-4
[hoops: 92-91]
6 +90 2
Hunstanton   0-7
[hoops: 55-107]
[hoops: 55-100]
[hoops: 112-107]
[hoops: 90-84]
[hoops: 90-62]
6 -58 3
Ipswich 2-4
[hoops: 82-97]
[2 Oct] 7-0
[hoops: 100-55]
[hoops: 100-110]
[30 Sep] 5-1
[hoops: 104-68]
4 +56 4
Letchworth 3-4
[hoops: 97-93]
[hoops: 74-106]
[hoops: 107-112]
[hoops: 110-100]
[hoops: 86-82]
[hoops: 90-67]
4 +4 5
Colchester 1-6
[hoops: 97-108]
def 3-4
[hoops: 84-90]
[30 Sep] 4-3
[hoops: 82-86]
[hoops: 84-72]
4 -9 6
Enfield 3-4
[hoops: 101-108]
[hoops: 91-92]
[hoops: 62-90]
[hoops: 68-104]
[hoops: 67-90]
[hoops: 72-84]
  2 -107 7

Venues may be changed by mutual agreement. The Home team should arrange the match. Results to be reported preferably by text message to the League Manager immediately after each match, otherwise by email or phone within 24 hours.

Results vs.: Club A Club B
Club A   Club A - Club B score
Club A at Home
Club B Club B - Club A score
Club B Away

The matches shaded yellow are played at home for the team in the left-hand column.
So to read the table easily, (1) find the club in the left-hand column (in bold),
(2) read across to find its scores against each opponent as the first figure given;
(3) read across to find its Home games in yellow and its Away games in white.

2 points for a match win. If the overall number of points is tied then the winner
is determined by hoop difference, then by other means determined by the Manager.

Colchester 01206 501895
Enfield 020 8366 6005
Hunstanton 07941 346519
Ipswich 01473 288448
Letchworth 07738 468980
Northampton 01604 467780
Watford 01923 236068
League Manager:
mobile: 07738 468980
home: 01462 635880


See also:

GC Level Play Leagues score-sheet (1 court) (PDF 243 kb)
GC Level Play Leagues score-sheet (2 courts) (PDF 244 kb)
GC Handicap League
GC B-Level League
Previous GC Handicap league winners - all years
Previous GC Level Play league winners - all years


Golf Croquet Open League Rules – 2018

Print version PDF

  1. General
    1. All games shall be played under the current CA-approved Laws of Golf Croquet (NB: new 4th Edition, March 2014) unless modified below.
    2. The start time of the match should be agreed by team captains.
    3. Any number of courts may be used: but note that the format differs substantially depending on the number available. Standard Courts should be used wherever possible, and all courts must be at least ¾-size with the correct proportions. All courts should be in adequate condition such that there is a possibility of accurate positioning, and of hitting a ball from one corner of the court to the opposite corner. Play should be spread where the quality of the courts differs.
    4. Where the home club has two or more courts available, then each team shall consist of four players, not necessarily the same players each match. Prior to the start of each match, the Captains will exchange team lists with players listed as A (H1/A1), B (H2/A2), C (H3/A3) & D (H4/A4). The listings shall be in order of appearance in the Golf Croquet rankings (best player first) with any individual not appearing in the rankings being inserted into the list in order of handicap.

      The order of play shall be
      - First (normally in the morning): A&B players of both sides play doubles; and C plays D and D plays C singles.
      - Second (normally in the afternoon): all singles, A plays A, B plays B, C plays C and D plays D.

      Each game will comprise best-of-three 13-point games.
    5. Where the home club has one court, then each team shall consist of three players, not necessarily the same players each match. Prior to the start of each match, the Captains will exchange team lists with players listed as A (H1/A1), B (H2/A2) & C (H3/A3). The listings shall be in order of appearance in the Golf Croquet rankings (best player first) with any individual not appearing in the rankings being inserted into the list in order of handicap.
      The match shall consist of nine 13-point singles games, all-play-all.
    6. There should be no time limit on individual games. However, in those rare circumstances where the two captains agree a time limit is essential (for example, because of bad weather) then 50 minutes plus an extension period of eight further strokes is to be preferred to a flat 60 minutes. If at the end of the extension period, the scores are level, then play continues and the side for which the next point is scored shall be the winner.
    7. Substitutes in matches shall be allowed only by prior agreement between the Team Captains.
    8. No player may play for more than one team in a season. In the event of a violation all illegal games won by that player shall be forfeit to the opponent with a 0-0 hoop score; all illegal games lost by that player remain valid.
    9. For those Clubs with two teams in the same region, the matches between those teams must be played as the first fixture otherwise the result of that game will be void.
    10. Teams may wear coloured attire, provided all team members (other than those wearing white) wear the same design. [Comment: This is in line with CA Tournament Regulation P4(d)(2).]
  2. Results
    1. The home Team Captain should submit to the League Manager a copy of the completed score-sheet within 48 hours. [Comment: The score sheet must show the club names, location, date, full names of all players, handicaps, and all results. Email is preferred.]
    2. The home Team Captain should submit results for inclusion in the Golf Croquet Grading System within 5 days.
    3. Matches not played by the published cut-off date will be declared void and no points awarded unless a later date has been agreed beforehand by the League Manager. If a team cancels a match unilaterally less than 5 clear days before a scheduled match, then that team forfeits its points and the non-offending team shall be awarded the match and 2 points.
    4. In the case of a tie on points between two or more teams in an Area Group, then the winner will be determined by net hoops in all matches; and, then by other means determined by the Manager.
  3. Disputes: In the event of a dispute, the League Manager's decision shall be final.
