The Annual General Meeting of the E.A.C.F. was held on Saturday 21st March 2009 at the Hyndman Centre, Hospital Road, Bury St. Edmunds commencing at 2.00pm. | AGM by year: |
Terrey Sparks, 17th January 2009 |
The meeting commenced at 2.00 pm with 14 members present.
Apologies were received from Tom & Judy Anderson, John Hall, Mike Percival, David Kitson and Pat Hetherinton.
Minutes of the previous meeting having been circulated were taken as correct and agreed.
The Chairman reported that he had been relatively inactive during much of the season having to rest due to medical problems although he had managed to attend several Federation functions prior. He expressed his appreciation of all the work undertaken by the Committee during the season.
The Treasurer reported that the overall position was comfortable with a loss of £78.98. However, this was slightly distorted by the indoor accounts but a break even, figure was anticipated. Betty Carter our Auditor for many years had indicated she would be retiring this year and he suggested we take the opportunity to record our gratitude and thanks for her past services. He also indicated that having been Treasurer since the creation of the Federation he would like to stand down within the next two years. Following a proposal by Jonathan Toye and seconded by Chris Howell the accounts for the year ended 31st December 2008 were agreed by the meeting.
The Secretary stated that although wet the years programme had gone well but the organisation of the Federation events were beginning to suffer due to a lack of volunteers. Club registration stood at 27 despite losing Wells. It was good to note that apart from 4 clubs the membership can now receive all correspondence by electronic mail. He encouraged the members to use the web site more as this does reduce the mailing expenditure by a significant amount. The history of the Federation together with the programme of events, competition rules and current leagues are all published on the website for which he thanked the Webmaster Simon Hathrell for all the work he had put in maintaining and updating it. Finally, he advised that he wished to give up the post of Secretary at the end of the 2009 season particularly in view of the anticipated increased work load associated with Hunstanton and its Centenary year in 2011.
Coaching/Development: Several groups of disabled (about 100 in total) have made visits to Downham Croquet Club to try out the game. In partnership with Mike Percival we have established a mallet design, which has proved the most popular for use with the Bradshaw Buggy. A tournament for the disabled had sprung up following the use of the indoor set at Sudbury. Paul Strover of the Sudbury Club is collaborating in arranging the tournament.
Peterborough CC set-up last year has become established and will be joining the Northern league this year. A new club has surfaced at Benhall Green, near Saxmundham. Known as the Fromus CC it has 15 £20 members it borrowed a set of equipment, which it has now returned following a grant from the CA. It is their intention to join the Federation.
Equipment: Invoices totalling £110 have been raised and settled. Peterborough CC, £50 (retained partially used equipment), Dunstable CC £40 (2nd year half rate) and £20 Leighton Linslade (for a set of hoops).
Peterborough returned their loan equipment having been successful in obtaining a CA grant.
Leighton Linslade despite suspending their school sessions still retain the small mallets as it is hoped these will restart in the future. Because of the unexpected return of equipment there is no requirement to increase the stock level and despite having authority to acquire additional equipment this has been deferred.
The source of the third set of hoops remains unresolved. Further efforts will be made this year to determine where they came from. (Post year, end a set of equipment has been loaned to Fromus CC and Chris Howell will be using a selection of mallets and balls for GC coaching at a school).
Indoors (AC): Neil Chalmers reports that with Mike Percival retiring from running the Indoors Tournaments initial efforts were directed to trying to establish better ways of organising affairs so that the load of organising and running the tournaments was spread over two or three people. Some modification to the rules were introduced with a view to saving time, particularly on Sundays when the hall had to vacated by 6.00 pm. A non- playing manager was also introduced to chivvy players along and dedicated time- keepers introduced with the same objective. Thanks were given to Duncan Hector for his help in raising teams and managing some of the tournaments. Several new clubs appeared including Peterborough who won a tournament in their first season. Getting teams out is still a problem and efforts to improve this without prodding will be made next season. The 2008/09, year cleared £62, which nearly paid for a new vacuum cleaner. Some replacement guttering was also procured and has improved ball retention.
It is possible that we will lose the facility at Soham as plans are in place to expand the gym into the area where the carpet is stored. Alternative venues are being sought, but the carpet storage requirement is a major drawback. Any suggestions for alternative venues would be much appreciated.
Golf Croquet/Indoors (GC): The outdoor league is going from strength to strength with an entry of 19 teams. For 2008 Letchworth took the title beating Hunstanton in the final at Newport.
The change in the handicapping system caused very few problems although there is still a need for club handicappers to be more realistic. Like wise the new law changes did not cause any problems.
The entry fee for the coming year has increased to £10 per team.
Indoors: both the November 2008 and March 2009 GC weekends were successful being oversubscribed. Team entry fees were increased to £12 per player and it is likely fees will have to rise in the future.
Referees Course: Details from Bill Arliss re an Examining Referees Course are still awaited. This will be pursued.
The C.A. Representative gave a report in which he outlined points from Council Meetings he had attended. There is likely to be a small surplus in the region of £1,000 in the Management A/C's at 31st Dec.2008. The new shop extension to the office is progressing well. A CA Bursary scheme has been introduced for 2009 and 2010 to help young players play internationally at both codes. The International Committee produced a paper on a proposal concerning policy towards the WCF. Most of their proposals were agreed. There is to be a temporary variation of the Laws of AC to be used on an experimental basis in selected championship events during the next season. It applies at only the highest level and is intended to give the out player a greater chance of getting into the game.
Webmaster: Site hosting fees have increased to £25 for one year or £44.00 for two years. Latter option accepted. He was looking into the possibility of providing mailboxes for individual clubs and would be pursued if clubs show an interest. Otherwise, the year had gone well with very few problems arising.
Election of Officers and Committee Members: The following had all agreed to stand for re-election and were duly proposed and seconded:
No nomination received for an Indoors Organiser.
David Kitson not offering himself for re-election.
It was proposed by Alec Osbourne and seconded by John Rolfe that the Committee be elected en bloc, which was carried. It was agreed the Committee would look into the possibility of filling the Indoors position by co-option.
There being no nomination for Auditor, the Committee would fill the position by co-option.
At this stage a Vote of Thanks was expressed by the meeting to David Kitson and Betty Carter. David had given his services as a Committee Member for several years lately as both Chairman and Secretary. Betty had been the Federation Auditor since its Creation 22 years ago. The Secretary was instructed to pass on the meetings best wishes.
2009 Programme of Events: There then followed a short discussion on the forth-coming years Programme, which was generally accepted by the meeting.
There being no further business the meeting was closed at 3.00 pm.
A copy of the AGM minutes suitable for printing can be viewed/downloaded here
( 30KB).
See also:
The EACF Constitution
( 19KB).