1 In 1999 the Lynnsport Shield was replaced by the Martin Trophy and re-assigned to the
(outdoor) EACF AC Club Champions Tournament.
2 A pair of similar trophies, until winter 2010-11 with one for each player in a winning
doubles pair, but since then split between winners on different days.
3 A pair of similar trophies, one for each player in the winning pair in doubles
or progressive doubles.
4 Progressive Doubles.
Year |
Belgian Cup |
Trophy |
Shield1 |
Cornelius Cup |
Millennium Cup |
Cup |
MCP Mallets
Shield |
Bowl |
Trophy2 |
Trophy |
by: |
anon |
Gaye Lawrence |
Don Cornelius |
Nigel Gray |
anon |
Mike Percival |
Mike Percival |
Mike Percival |
1991 |
Ansell Trust |
Colworth |
1992 |
not contested |
not contested |
1993 |
Ipswich |
Ansell Trust |
1994 |
Chelmsford |
Letchworth |
1995 |
Daystarke |
Letchworth |
1996 |
Letchworth |
Daystarke |
1997 |
Daystarke |
Clarkeford |
1998 |
Daystarke |
Clarkeford |
Letchworth |
Martin Trophy3 |
by: |
Claire Heritage |
1999 |
Ipswich |
Northampton |
Norwich |
2000 |
Ipswich |
St. Albans |
Bottisham |
St. Albans |
2001 |
Northampton |
Northampton |
Ipswich |
Northampton |
2002 |
St. Albans |
Northampton |
St. Albans |
Northampton |
Bottisham |
Letchworth |
2003 |
Chelmsford |
Ipswich |
not contested |
Letchworth |
St. Albans |
Ipswich |
2004 |
Downham Mkt |
St. Albans |
Colchester |
Northampton |
Hunstanton |
St. Albans |
2005 |
St. Albans |
St. Albans |
Hunstanton |
Hunstanton |
Wells-On-Sea |
not contested |
2006 |
not contested |
St. Albans |
Chelsworth |
Colchester |
Wells-On-Sea |
Colchester |
2007 |
not contested |
Ipswich |
Letchworth |
Northampton |
St. Albans |
St. Albans |
2008 |
not contested |
Hunstanton |
Newport |
Letchworth |
Ipswich |
Hunstanton |
2009 |
not contested |
Hunstanton |
Peterborough |
Letchworth |
Hunstanton |
Ipswich |
Letchworth |
2010 |
St. Alswich |
not contested |
Hunstanton |
Colchester |
Hunstanton |
Hunstanton |
Hunstanton |
Hunstanton |
2011 |
Hunstanton |
Letchworth |
Hunstanton |
Ipswich |
Hunstanton |
Letchworth |
Hunstanton? |
St. Albans |
2012 |
Letchworth |
Hunstanton |
Hunstanton |
Ipswich |
Bygrave |
Colchester |
Colchester |
Colchester |
2013 |
Colchester |
Colchester |
Bygrave |
Colchester |
Pinchbeck |
Peterborough |
Colchester |
Ipswich |
2014 |
Colchester |
not contested |
Debbie Lines,
Peter Ross4 |
St. Albans |
Colchester |
Cambridgeshire |
Hunstanton |
Letchworth |
Letchworth |
Hunstanton |
2015 |
Hunstanton |
Colchester |
Terry Mahoney,
Roly Iddison4 |
St. Albans |
Hunstanton |
Hertfordshire |
Bygrave |
Pinchbeck |
St. Albans |
Hunstanton |
2016 |
Hunstanton |
not contested |
Jeff Race,
Georgeen Hemming4 |
Colstanton |
Hunstanton |
Norfolk (Jan)
Norfolk (Oct) |
Hunstanton |
Hunstanton |
Letchworth |
Hunstanton |
2017 |
Bygrave |
Hunstanton |
Jeff Race,
Roger Bowman4 |
Bygrave |
Bygrave |
Cambridgeshire |
Bygrave |
Bygrave |
Hunstanton |
Hunstanton |
2018 |
Letchworth |
Terry Mahoney,
Jonathan Toye4 |
Hunstanton |
Letchworth |
Hertfordshire |
Hunstanton |
The Peelers |
Bygrave |
2019 |
P & R |
R & T |
Jeff Race,
Heather Bennett4 |
South Ockenden |
South Ockenden |
Cambridgeshire |
South Ockenden |
Hunstanton |
Norfolk |
2020 |
Jeff Race &
Al Brown |
Colchester |
Adrian Kirby,
Sarah Barley4 |
Peterborough |
Jeff Race |
not awarded |
not awarded |
not awarded |
Jeff Race &
Bryan Saddington |
2021 |
not awarded |
not awarded |
not awarded |
not awarded |
not awarded |
Essex |
South Ockenden |
Peterborough |
Duncan Hector &
Peter Ross |
2022 |
'Pros' |
'Socks' |
David Maugham,
Hugh Gilbert |
'Pros' |
'Socks' |
Essex |
'Socks' |
'Socks' |
'Socks' (Dec)
Duncan Hector &
Peter Ross (Jan) |
2023 |
'Socks' |
'Socks' |
Alison Maugham,
Paul Hetherington |
'Midfolk' |
'Socks' |
Essex |
'Socks' |
'Socks' |
Duncan Hector &
Colin Spencer (Dec)
'Socks' (Jan) |
2024 |
Peterborough |